What is Tantra

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Still in the articles about energy healing, now we learn about Tantra. Although Tantra is popularly associated with the peculiar practice of sex and spirituality, it is another method of energy healing. It comes from the word of TAN which means to spread or expand. The concept of connectedness is a recurring theme in Tantric writings on sex and spirituality.

As a method of healing, spirituality and sex figure prominently. It is presupposed that the union of man and woman can reach spiritual levels during orgasm, which removes the body and mind off collected impurities. These impurities being negative energies can in turn manifest as physical illnesses.

Energy Center of Chakra

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chakra or energy center is a term used in Pranic healing, an ancient Hindu system of energy healing. “Prana” means life energy. “Aura” is another terminology traced to Pranic healing. Aura is a non-physical body that consists of energy, which exists along with our physical body. The aura that covers our body is said to have seven layers pertaining to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual as manifested by energy.

Studying the color and thickness of auras give ideas on the state of health of individuals. Six colors are associated with aura and interpreted into six personalities. These colors are all present in an individual but one or two are more pronounced.

  • Green – ambitious achiever
  • Blue – spiritual peacemaker
  • White – unconventional chameleon
  • Red – activist
  • Orange – creative communicator
  • Violet - psychic

Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn't fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer? Who hasn't dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?

Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our attic. This is a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, we get caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day just barely existing.

But you know what? Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.

The most common problem to setting goals is the word impossible. Most people get hung up thinking I can't do this. It's too hard. It's too impossible. No one can do this. However, if everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human accomplishment.

Remember that scientists were baffled when they took a look at the humble bumblebee. Theoretically, they said, it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly. Unfortunately for the bumble, bee no one has told it so. So fly it does.

On the other hand, some people suffer from dreaming totally outrageous dreams and not acting on them. The result? Broken dreams, and tattered aspirations.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt, and self-limiting assumptions, you will never be able to break past what you deem impossible. If you reach too far out into the sky without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging on to the impossible dream.

Try this exercise

Take a piece of paper and write down some goals in your life. Under one header, list down things you know you can do. Under another header, write the things ‘you might be able to do.’ And under one more, list the things that that are ‘impossible for you to do.’

Now look at all the headers strive every day to accomplish the goals that are under things ‘you know you can do’. Check them when you are able to accomplish them. As you slowly are able to check all of your goals under that heading, try accomplishing the goals under the other header-the one that reads ‘you might be able to do.’

As of the items you wrote under things I could do are accomplished, you can move the goals that are under things that are ‘impossible for you to do’ to the list of things ‘you might be able to do.’

As you iterate through this process, you will find out that the goals you thought were impossible become easier to accomplish. And the impossible begin to seem possible after all.

You see, the technique here is not to limit your imagination. It is to aim high, and start working towards that goal little by little. However, it also is unwise to set a goal that is truly unrealistic.

Those who just dream towards a goal without working hard end up disappointed and disillusioned.

On the other hand, if you told someone a hundred years ago that it was possible for man to be on the moon, they would laugh at you. If you had told them that you could send mail from here to the other side of the world in a few seconds, they would say you were out of your mind. But, through sheer desire and perseverance, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. For one to accomplish his or her dreams, there has to be had work and discipline. But take note that that 1% has to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.

Ask any gym rat and he or she will tell you that there can be no gains unless you are put out of your comfort zone. Remember the saying, “No pain, no gain”? That is as true as it can be.

So dream on, friend! Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain those dreams. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will just about find out that the impossible has just become a little bit more possible.

UFO dan Kasih Sayang

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mempelajari kehidupan lain selain dibumi selalu terasa sangat menarik, begitu juga ketika mepelajari satu obyek misterius yang kita kenal dengan nama UFO. Sepertinya mahluk UFO tersebut akan membawa kita pada suatu taraf kehidupan yang berbeda secara radikal dengan kehidupan dunia yang kita kenal dan ketahui.

Dalam salah satu tulisan mengenai hal tersebut dikatakan:
Pernah kepada mereka ini (UFO) diajukan pertanyaan apakah mereka beragama?
Apa jawab mereka ? kira-kira begini :

“Anda yang menyebut diri sebagai orang beragama sesungguhnya baru menempelkan suatu atribut keagamaan pada diri anda. Anda belum menghayati apalagi menjalankan dan mengerti hakekat ajaran yang terkandung di dalam atribut tersebut yaitu tolong menolong, kasih sayang, hidup dalam kedamaian, dsb. Kami tidak menyebut diri kami orang beragama, tapi kami datang dari jauh dengan penuh kasih sayang untuk menyelamatkan anda dan planet anda dari kehancuran yang mengancamnya.”

Mahluk UFO ini banyak memperlihatkan kemampuan supra-natural. Mereka dapat berkomunikasi secara telepatis dengan manusia. Untuk itu mereka dapat memancarkan energi gelombang yang ditujukan dengan tepat kepada sel-sel otak manusia yang sedang dihubungi. Energi gelombang ini merangsang sel otak sehingga terjadi suatu impresi bathin. Impresi ini ada kalanya berbentuk penglihatan, pendengaran dan ada kalanya berbentuk pengertian/pemahaman akan suatu hal yang belum kita mengerti.

Masih sekitar misteri angka 666, dimana diyakini melalui angka ini penguasa tertinggi iblis akan datang dan menguasai seluruh kehidupan manusia. Disini anda jangan beranggapan bahwa menguasai manusia adalah satu situasi seperti film horor, dimana manusia dikejar kejar untuk kemudian disiksa. Bukan itu, menguasai manusia adalah menguasai pola hidup manusia menjadi pola yang diinginkan oleh iblis.

Dan ini tidak bisa di deteksi dengan mudah oleh manusia biasa seperti kita. Justru manusia menjadi sangat menyukai keadaan apabila hal itu terjadi, tanpa menyadari bahwa pola itulah sebetulnya yang diinginkan iblis. Kembali saya tegaskan, disini saya tidak ,mengatakan bahwa artikel yang saya kutip berikut ini adalah benar, hanya sebatas memberikan wacana saja. Dan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada anda, apakah hal tersebut merupakan satu kebetulan saja atau memang disengaja.

Berikut adalah kutipannya, lanjutan dari artikel saya sebelumnya:

Take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666 also. And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666.

Still think it is coincidence? Stay with me....it gets better.

For those of you who still have the old excel 95 (not office 97) try this out: (this really works)

1 - Open a new file
2 - Scroll down to row 95
3 - Click on the row 95 button to highlight the entire row
4 - Press tab to move to the second column
5 - Now, move your mouse and click on help at the top
6 - Then click on "about Microsoft excel"
7 - Press ctrl-alt-shift and click on the tech support button at the same time.

A window will appear with the title: THE HALL OF TORTURED SOULS. This is really eerie, okay! It has a doom style format and you can walk all around the hall using the arrow keys. On the sides of the walls are the names of the tortured souls....now walk up the stairs and then come back down, facing the blank wall. Now type in EXCELKFA; this will open the blank wall to reveal another secret passage, walk through the passage and do not fall off. This is difficult to do. When you get to the end you will see something really, really eerie.

As of this point in time, countless witnesses all over the world have verified that it is a real eye opener. It could be a joke by MS programmers. Or is it? Would it be too surprising if Bill Gates was the antichrist? After all, the bible foretold that someone powerful would rise up and lead the
world to destruction. And Bill Gates definitely has this kind of power in his hands.

More than 80% of computers in the world today run on windows and DOS (including those at the Pentagon). If all of his products have some kind of small program embedded, like this "hall of tortured souls", that can give him control to set off nuclear arsenals, create havoc in security systems and financial systems all over the world, etc. All from his headquarters.

This isn't too far from reality. Just by using the Internet Explorer may just allow him to map out what you have on your computer bit by bit each time you log on. Perhaps the end of time is near and this is just the tip of the iceberg?

Quote from the Bible:

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." Revelation 13:16-18

This is something you should think about. If the Bible, in the book of Revelations, says that without the sign of the beast, one would not be able to buy, sell, do business transactions, etc., then my question to you now is this....

Is the Internet a necessity today for doing business? The Internet also bears the sign. Note that the Internet is often referred to as the World Wide Web, or www. Another way to write W is V/ or VI.

6 6 6

Here is something to ponder. Isn't everything going towards the Internet? (i.e., buying, selling, business transactions) Isn't Microsoft always on the move to have a monopoly when it comes to software technology? And now the Internet?

Revelations also says that the mark of the beast will be carved on one's hand and on one's forehead. If the Internet would indeed be the beast, aren't we all starting to carry it on our hands and foreheads? The screen is the forehead and the hand uses the mouse.

Are things finally starting to fall into place or are we just letting our imagination run???? Remember that the devil came to cheat, steal and to destroy. So, be vigilant about Bill Gates and Microsoft!

Coincidence? Perhaps...."

Cuman karena teori ini menggunakan Excel 95 yang terbilang lama, maka mungkin agak susah mempraktekkannya. Tapi apabila anda masih mempunyai atau menggunakan Excel 95, cara ini bisa anda praktekkan untuk membuktikan kebenarannya.

Misteri angka iblis 666

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Disini saya tidak berbicara masalah togel, nalo, ataupun kode kode judi buntut akan tetapi mengenai misteri angka 666. Angka 666 sering dihubungkan sebagai angka kelahiran raja iblis, sebab diyakini bahwa penguasa tertinggi iblis ini pada waktu yang tidak diketahui dulunya tengah dipenjarakan.

Dan kemudian fenomena yang muncul adalah melalui angka 666 inilah kemudian penguasa iblis tertinggi ini kemudian muncul di dunia. Dalam alkitab dijelaskan mengenai misteri angka 666 ini dengan mengatakan bahwa barangsiapa yang bijaksana, baiklah ia menghitung bilangan binatang itu, karena bilangan itu adalah bilangan seorang manusia, dan bilangannya ialah enam ratus enam puluh enam - Wahyu 13:18

Saya tidak tahu tulisan siapa dibawah ini, akan tetapi beberapa waktu yang lalu tersebar di Internet, saya hanya mengutipnya. Bagi yang mengakui bahwa tulisan dibawah ini adalah tulisannya, silahkan claim. Sorry saya tidak mengetahui nama anda.

Did you know that Bill Gates' real name is William Henry Gates III? Nowadays, he is known as Bill Gates (III) where III means the order of third. So what's so eerie about this name?

Well, if you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American Standard Code for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the numbers....you will get 666, which is the number of the beast.

B = 66
I = 73
L = 76
L = 76
G = 71
A = 65
T = 84
E = 69
S = 83
I = 1
I = 1
I = 1

Add these numbers and they equal 666. Coincidence? Perhaps....

Sekedar kebetulan, benar atau tidaknya memang tidak ada yang tahu, sebab sampai sekarang amgka 666 ini masih menyimpan misteri yang belum terkuak.

Exploitation of Spirit Dimension
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