Combine Visualization with Affirmations, Step back and Watch out!

Affirmations work just like Hypnotic Suggestions in hypnosis exercises. Say them enough and you eventually believe them literally. While visualizing, repeat some affirmations. This naturally gets more of your senses in tune with the process thus making the experience more real, and that's what you want. You want it to feel real.

Do this regularly for about 5 minutes or so right before meditation.

This really really works! Your belief in the process has a direct effect on the results you get. The more you know about meditation and visualization, the more you're programmed to believe in it. Belief in it, is trust in it. Within the Laws of Manifesting and Attraction, the Power of trust should be your best friend. Keep close sight of that.

Attract things into your life much faster with Visualization

Visualization is a perfect complement to meditation and will dramatically improve your results. Spend a few minutes a day imagining yourself feeling Immensely relieved that your manifestations have already arrived. What would it feel like to deeply enjoy the things that you intend to manifest? Generate some mental pictures of yourself doing just that, and allow yourself to feel that way. The more you imagine yourself feeling and acting confidently about receiving your manifestations, the easier you'll find it to do in your day to day experiences. Do this right before you meditate.

Meditation is essential to getting connected Spiritually, creating a more peaceful way of living, and one of many ways to Turbo Charge your Manifesting Powers with "The Law of Attraction." Meditation gives an extra kick to connecting with a much deeper part of yourself, Your Higher Self. It allows you to Transcend your thoughts and be one with your true Inner Being. Live your Life from a calmer and Deeper perspective by Meditating on a regular basis.

Here are a few things to consider when using Meditation to kick the Powers of Law of Attraction into High Gear:

- Attract things into your life much faster with Visualization
- Combine Visualization with Affirmations

Use your meditation sessions to keep your Powers of Attraction Razor Sharp. As your trust grows, your Manifestations appear quicker because you have far less mental resistance. This process rapidly improves the Speed of your manifestations and provides a much smoother transition for them to enter your Reality.

The ascended masters spent lifetimes in which they perfected various soul and character qualities. A study of specific lifetimes of the masters helps us to understand what is required for true self-mastery. Confucius is a well-known spiritual teacher who was born in 551 BC in the Chinese State of Lu. Some historians believe that his father was much older than his mother. In any case, his father died when he was three years old and he was raised solely by his mother. They were quite poor, but the family came from noble lineage.

Confucius married at the age of nineteen. He had many occupations as a young man, including working as a shepherd, cowherd, clerk and bookkeeper. Confucius was part a movement to establish a new class in Chinese society that was based on talent and skills rather than inherited social status.

Confucius also made a long journey around the small kingdoms of northeast and central China. He travelled for ten years and talked about his innovative political beliefs. Confucius believed that developing keen judgment was more important than rote learning of rules and regulations. This type of ethics has become known as virtue ethics.

During the last years of his life, Confucius spent his time teaching his disciples. One of his most famous teachings was a form of the Golden Rule: "never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.

Confucius's teachings were later turned into a set of texts and elaborate practices by his numerous disciples and followers. These classical texts were called the Analects. Combined with other texts, these core texts came to form the foundation of what we know today as Confucianism. Ironically these complex teachings may not accurately reflect the simple philosophy of the religion's founder. Instead, it is Confucius' devotion to inner wisdom and the ethics of the heart that have given him his immortal freedom.

Awakening Sometimes we ask who we are and why we are here, what is the meaning of life and death. We search after answers which can come from friends, books or some religion. We meet hindrances and successes and learn to feel ourselves better, and thereby others too. From a state of sleep to awakening… We stretch and see the world with newly awakened eyes. To become aware of oneself and the outer world is a process. Spirituality belongs to each and everyone and not to a specific religion. Spirituality spreads over this planet faster than ever. It actually doesn´t spread, because it has always been in every soul, a science and feeling that we don´t need any proof of.

Everything is about how far your awakening process is. Every human goes through this process sooner or later. One cannot "become" spiritual, it is something that one already is and has always been.

From deep sleep to full awareness The more people know the less shock there is when the day of contacting our universe sisters and brothers comes. We can tell our friends about this so that they understand, because media is not good at doing this. The contact is going to happen in a couple of years, maybe tomorrow. You also know this, but think that it's going to happen or might happen in the distant future. The truth is that it lies very close.

If you choose not to read further then it's the right choice for you. We always choose to open ourselves when we feel that we are ready. Now it's time to get ready for the biggest adventure of the Earth, because that is what is going to happen. Aliens do not just look like as you've seen on TV. Most of them look just as we do, you wouldn't notice any big difference. On our planet exist groups like Europeans, Asians, Africans and so on, everyone with their special characteristics. There are many more in the universe.

On developed planets the characteristics are very much like that in humans. Small details like eyes, ears and face forms vary, not only "green people", like media often likes to show them.


Convinced that humans are pleasure seeking creatures and self-motivated to fulfill these pleasures for the soul's benefit of experience, it bears witness in examination that we are to expand our horizons at every possible junction. We are not to hold back, be afraid, cow down, and dismiss our desires on any level. We are neither, to usurp the rights, advantages, positions, or supposed 'portions of favor' of another. We are to travel in our own {Soul's} selected orbit without collision or recourse.

What I have to do or want to do in no way affects or diminishes what you care to achieve. If I am 'natural and convenient' in my dealings, I can in no wise upset the apple cart of which you are driving. Nothing that has been allotted for me can be held back from me and the same goes for you. I have no need to quarrel, defend, fight, or bicker with you since you have nothing to do with what I am going to do. I will not look to you for help nor will you ask it of me. I am perfectly capable of carrying my own bags as are you. Nothing that will ever occur will be out of season since it is impossible for it to be so.

I can assure you it will be a flavorful, pleasure filled, pain reeked existence but not without the assurance that we are doing it because we WANT to and for no other reason! That would certainly eliminate our trying to defend, excuse, apologize, take credit for or blame in various situations when it's ridiculous to do so. The soul desires to create and express fully in every imaginable fashion while we inhabiting this body of flesh. We are capable, because of her, of doing incredible feats; unimaginable even at present sitting. "…greater things will you do, than I do…" (Paraphrased). If that's so, I'm throwing my hat of resistance into the tub and picking up her cloak of "…joy inexpressible and full of glory…" (Paraphrased). I always did like a good drama; one I couldn't figure out the plot!

If in fact the ineffable soul has determined an existence of human experience in each of us, we shall not be denied the entirety of that professed life. On the same token, we are not to shy away from certain responsibilities and obligations that we are inherently guided to assume. These duties can not ever be imposed from the outside. She (the affable soul) dictates all actions from a divine sphere without question, approval or response from us. Since she is the divine trickster, in regards to how our lives unfold, (her private joke) we can openly invite the various pleasures of our innate natures into the picture for selection and processing.

No one would argue that the Soul is absolute love but what that entails, no one knows for certain. Just for starters, Sublime love goes beyond rational reason, logical explanation, comparison, competition, and judgment. Since we, as mortals, are completely biased, prejudiced, grievous, greedy, jealous, self-serving, resentful, competitive, and bustin' a gut of ego in a pot belly filled to overflowing of lust in appetite for winning, appreciation and aggrandizement, we fall just a little short of her excellence. So, what are we to do? The only thing we can do. Surrender. Give over to her inexplicable way of experiencing this life.

It is written " will be despised and rejected among your own…" (Paraphrased). Have you suffered through any of this yet? As a personal beacon of light for your information, while engaged in your present circumstances and involvements, most especially intimate relationships, when you feel the absolute most hopeless, helpless and totally unclear, blinded by insecurity and confusion regarding your personal progress, success, materialization of desires or goals that you set for yourself, thinking it could not get any worse, know beyond a shadow of a doubt that personal regression and despair is a clear cut diamond faceted indication that you as a personality are releasing control over to your soul. This state of tribulation, my friend, is a glorious thing. Rejoice prayerfully in the assured knowledge that you have indeed arrived at a place of desecrated absolution.

Life is a mysterious creature and without the benefit of esoteric wisdom of old, "…we would all be men most miserable…" (Paraphrased). It is prodigiously written that we are to live abundantly and be full of good cheer. Whether that is a sick joke or an enlightened aphorism, nevertheless, we are to find our way "…through fear and trembling…" (Paraphrased) How are we to do this? By and through the various ordeals our particular life offers us on a daily basis. Some of our trials will be harrowing, no doubt. Some of them will be jubilant but somewhere in the middle is where we are to find happiness.

MODE OF Cosmic Therapy: For the Love of Esoteric Wisdom

The human body will fail, the mind will fade but the soul will never diminish. It is an eternal sacred flame of effervescent glow that can not be extinguished by human hands. Though you may have idealistic notions about how wonderful your soul is, the solemn truth pierces the veil of your deceptive illusions. She is ruthless, unconcerned, disinterested and merciless in her approach for human experience. She has plummeted you into a world of existence in which you are to learn (remember) how to survive, adapt, reproduce, thrive and rise above any and all adversity without even as much as a nod of approval from her.

The soul will in no wise be affected except by and through your ability to realize that the experiences on Earth are provided as the 'soil to toil' for her alone to experience the lessons for disengagement, through you, as is necessary and as she deems fit. You are to be fully involved in every circumstance, relationship, involvement, situation, event, and episode simply for the experience (proper understanding) of it and then evolve out of the variegated occurrences without bitterness, regret, remorse, pride, or sense of accomplishment of your own merit. You are never to now exactly when or how any of it will end or progress. In the meantime, you are to live without thought, care or worry. You will be plagued with doubt, fear, pain, embarrassment and humiliation of every conceivable nature.

There are more love spells in the world than any type of spells. There are spells to find love, return love, get rid of love, heal love, force a person to love us, and ways to determine if we are loved by someone. So regardless of what you need in love, you will find a spell that will help you.

Here are some simple spells for love you can try:

Aphrodite Oil
Amber Love Charm
Botanicals Spell
Grow, Love Grow Spell

Botanical Spell

Find dried herbs or flowers that grow around your house. You can choose herbs such as rose, rosemary, mint, basil or flowers such as crocus, dandelion, hibiscus, hyacinth, lily, tulip and violet. We will also need a candle. It can be a red or pink candle. If you don't have either, you may use a yellow or orange candle. The candles have to be broad so that you can hollow out the base and pack the botanical into it. Now burn the candle while visualizing the miracle of love entering you life.

Grow, Love Grow Spell

How can we make love grow? We can encourage love to grow by taking care of magical plants that return their blessings to us. If you have a green thumb, try this spell: Get a basil plant of bleeding heart plant and grow it in a pot. Water while visualizing the plant as well as your love grows. You can also try growing any seed on which you have engraved the initials of your lover to make your lover go crazy over you!

Amber Love Charm

The Romany culture considered mirrors magical. To make your own magical mirror, get a piece of amber. It can be a small stone or part of a necklace or bracelet or any other jewelry. On a full moon day, look at the moon through the amber while holding it in your left hand. Focus on all your desires and visualize your future live filled with love and joy.

At night, when you go to sleep, remember to keep the amber under your pillow. When you wake up, the amber would have turned into a potent love charm. You can now use it to draw love into your life. Replenish the power of the charm by repeating this ritual at every full moon day.

Aphrodite Oil

Mix essential oil of myrtle, essential oil of rose and sweet almond oil to create a magical love oil. Massage this all over your body before you take a nice, long, warm bath. You can also use this to dress love candles while petitioning Goddess Aphrodite to bring you love.

Practitioners of Wicca all over the world have many things in common. As a religion that celebrates life with rituals combining spirituality, music, dance, food and love, Wicca is becoming more and more popular all around the globe.

Modern Wicca is believed to follow the Celtic customs combining English and Welsh traditions. The Druids were people who arrived from unknown destinations and are believed to be the "teachers" of the Wiccan traditions. Although Wicca originated in Europe, it has been accepted and embraced internationally and evolved over the years in many countries, absorbing new traditions and rejecting some of its conventional views as it reaches for a larger and more widespread following. As people moved from one land to another, some branches of Wicca accepted more of the local traditions or customs.

However, there are also many traditions in Wicca that remain the same over the centuries. The eight Sabbats are observed in most Wiccan traditions. However, they may be celebrated at different times of the year as the seasons differ between the two hemispheres. Worship of the Moon as Goddess is one of the main themes of the Wiccan way of life. Preservation and celebration of nature is another practice that is prevalent in most Wiccan variations.

The elements, planets and other celestial bodies are also held in high esteem as they are viewed as the creators and guardians of the Universe. As Wicca spread around the world, a few of the groups alienated themselves from the rest of the Wiccan population by narrowing the boundaries of their practice. Dianic Wicca, which followed a tradition that originated in Italy, has evolved in America to become a formal feminine Goddess based tradition.

Circle Wicca was founded by Americans Selena Fox and Jim Alan in 1974. The practitioners live in a two hundred acre Nature preserve in Wisconsin. The main difference of Circle Wicca from European style Wicca is that it has absorbed Shamanism and the Native American ways of healing and celebrations. Faery Wicca is of Irish origin with some links to Druidism.

This may not be widely practiced in the Americas. However, African Wicca and its offshoots such as Voodoo were brought over to the Americas and have evolved to be part of witchcraft traditions in the southern parts of the United States including New Orleans in Louisiana. American Wiccan traditions have roots in Gardnerian, Celtic and Alexandrian Wicca.

European Wicca follows the original and strict lead of Gardner whereas in the new World, Wicca was mostly influenced by Raymond Buckland who, fittingly, is called the Father of American Wicca.

Although Gardnerian Wicca emphasizes the power of the Goddess over that of God, every practitioner, whether woman or man, has specific stages of advancement and have to work with the leaders of the group to reach higher and higher levels. Also, this Wiccan tradition did not allow self-initiation or solitary practices as a rule

Wands are used for spiritual and religious rituals. Although many people believe that the wand is magical and creates our intentions, we need to remember that it is indeed the power of our intentions that drives the power in the wand. The wand is a tool into which we direct our will and intentions. Although a wand is not a requirement for Magic, we can use substitute such items as an umbrella, a tree limb or a piece of driftwood. Natural items are of more value in magic than items brought at a store since the wand is considered part of tree magic.

Also, it is very important that we do not hurt or maim any tree in order to get the wood to make our wand. Driftwood is the best since it was naturally released by the tree and has been toughened and smoothed out by the Earth and the Sea. If you take a fallen branch from the bottom of a tree, remember to leave a libation as proof of your gratitude. Lightning struck wood is considered especially powerful.

Any piece of wood that gives you the right "feel" is good enough for a wand. The length of a typical wand is about eighteen inches. All-purpose wands may be made of Ash, Hawthorn, Hazel or Rowan. If the wand is made for a special purpose, choose the wood that it suitable for this intention. For healing magic, use hazel; for exorcism, use date palm or tamarisk; for love, use apple or ash tree; for divination, use ash, rowan or willow.

If you are trying to make a wand for protection, use blackthorn olive or rowan wood. Tradition also may dictate what type of wood you may use for the wand.

The Celtic tradition prefers hawthorn or hazel. Chinese tradition uses peach wood or willow. Druid traditions use hawthorn, rowan, yew, or oak depending on UK or US traditions. The ancient Romany used Elm and other traditions used birch or willow.

Sometimes wands are also made of metal since it is a wonderful conductor of energy. An iron wand is believed to enhance the power of protection and copper is an excellent conductor of energy. Some witches have one wand made of wood and another made of metal.

Wands may be decorated with items that may also have purposes. For example, a wand made for love may be tipped with a rose quartz crystal. For fertility, use a moonstone on top of a silver wand. For money magic, use driftwood tipped with coral, shells and pearls. Amethyst tip is believed to empower spiritual quests and cleansing.

Use ancient remedies
Break up spells are used to terminate an established relationship that has gone awry. They may also be used to put off unwanted attention from others or to discourage stalkers and bothersome Romeos. In the olden days, turnips were used to repel lovers. If a lady did not like a suitor, setting a dish of turnips before him was enough to make him leave. Another break up instigator is the black snake root. Carrying it with us or bathing in water into which this botanical is infused can keep abusive or bothersome suitors away from our life.

Breakup Powder
We can also make break-up powder which is potent and will do the job of getting rid of unwanted love. Gather some lemongrass, mullein, patchouli, valerian and Vetiver. Dry them well and grind them together into a powder. Sprinkle this powder in the shoes and pant pockets of the people who are bothering you. If you are really losing patience, try a banishing spell.

First you have to gather the following items to make banishing powder: Cayenne Pepper, Dragon's blood powder, Ground Sassafras, Gun powder (or a mixture of saltpeter and sulphur), Habanero powder, shotgun pellets and a crushed wasp's nest. Mash all the ingredients together using a mortar and pestle. When the mixture is ground well, use a coffee grinder or a spice mixer to grind the mix to very fine powder.

Remember to take care of as some of these powders are really toxic to our skin and may injure us. To make lovers stay away, sprinkle some of the powder at your target's doorstep and bury the rest in his yard.

Love Antidote Spell
Powdered sassafras bark is very powerful when it comes to repelling unwanted love. If you have a sassafras tree in your own home, you can get some of the bark and grind it in a mortar and pestle. You can also buy it from the store. It may be called file powder because it is used in the Louisiana Cajun cuisine to make gumbo, the delicious soup that is favored by the locals.

Remember to not use essential oil of Sassafras because it is highly toxic. To the ground powder, add some castor oil and jojoba oil. Using one piece from seven square pieces of paper, write in dragon's blood ink: You have no power over me. I am free from your binding spell!

Tarot History Final

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

tarot the final historyTo make a living, especially at something you've been employed at for a long time, may dead-end when you find you can't go any further in your pursuit. Unlike Daedalus' life, it doesn't take a murder for your mediocre job to end suddenly. You know you can't go any further up the ladder and won't be receiving more pay, so sometimes, in order to grow, you may be forced to take a different road to gain a different perspective.

Over my life I've had many different professions: secretary, corrections officer, property manager, author, and tarot instructor. These radical changes were due to sometimes circumstances beyond my control, and then also, the fact that I was simply bored. In the beginning of these job changes, I have to admit they were based on money. But now my work has led me not so much to the money, but to the satisfaction and contentment. I, like Daedalus, hope to live a satisfied and rich life.

Tarot History 3

Monday, May 04, 2009

tarot historyThe suit of pentacles is represented by Daedalus and the minotaur. Daedalus was a skilled and gifted craftsman. Daedalus perfected his skills and was famous for his gift. Daedalus also had a few problems. One of his character flaws was jealously. Daedalus was so jealous of his pre-teen nephew, who exhibited craftsman's skills on his level, that he murdered the boy.

Thus, with the sin of jealousy, a great and gifted craftsman succumbed to fleeing for his life. Daedalus took to the road and found himself in the city of Crete and the ruler, King Minos. Daedalus found favor and protection with the king and started his trade all over. But the god Poseidon wanted Daedalus' employer to perform a sacrifice. King Minos disrespected the god and ignored Poseidon's order. Daedalus was not the direct target of Poseidon's revenge, but, nevertheless, was drawn into the drama.

Daedalus compromised his value of loyalty to King Minos when he fell into an arrangement of helping the king's wife, whom Poseidon put a spell upon. Daedalus, without compromising his favor with the king or bringing the wrath of Poseidon upon him, worked at this problem. When Daedalus' scheme worked, he pushed his luck with King Minos one too many times. The end result, King Minos found out of Daedalus' betrayals and Daedalus, once again, fled. Daedalus found favor with the king of Sicily. King Minos hunted Daedalus, but in the end, it was Daedalus who lived a satisfied and rich life.

Tarot History 2

Saturday, May 02, 2009

tarot historyOrestes did not feel lucky when the god Apollo forced him into making a choice about proceeding with the punishment of death upon his mother for murdering his father. Orestes was trapped in a precarious situation. On the one hand if Orestes disobeyed Apollo he could be made to go mad by the god. But if Orestes killed his mother, he would be haunted by the witch-like furies. Orestes weighed his options and chose not to go against Apollo.

Orestes fulfilled his deed. With his mother dead at his own hands, the furies wrath descended. But luck as well as justice was on Orestes side. Orestes fell into despair and sought the help of the goddess Athene, who is the goddess of justice. Athene weighed Orestes predicament and felt pity for him. After all, the curse was not any of Orestes doing as it was handed down through generations. Through Athene's divine justice, everything was made right and Orestes was free.

To often, when we are faced with life' s challenges, we will "shut down" emotionally, and choose to either ignore or avoid the problem.

Maybe you had an Apollo in your life who forced you to take action and take your life back. I know after many of these stagnant periods in my life, I can look back and thank the Universe for the opportunity given to me by "pushy" people, so I would take action instead of wallow in my depression. After the dilemma was over, I was a stronger person. I was free of the fear to not act on my behalf.

Tarot History 1

Friday, May 01, 2009

sexy tarot historyOne of my favorite tarot decks is the Mythic Tarot, by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene. Purchased nearly eighteen years ago, and even after all these years of use, the cards are still in great shape. The book's condition, however, is another story. Its pages, long ago unhooked from the spine, are underlined, dog-eared, highlighted (in three different colors!), and yellowed

Desperate times called for desperate searching, and over my lifetime, I've ran into quite a few bumps in the road. I self-taught myself the tarot so when I laid out a spread seeking clarification to the challenge I faced at the time, I studied the book.

I related to the Greek myths. There was a compelling story with every card suit that I could relate about my hardships. (As you probably guessed, I received A LOT of sword and pentacle cards!)

The suit of swords is represented by Orestes and the House of Artreus. Orestes is a young man trapped in the middle of a family curse, a selfish and arrogant father, and a revengeful mother. Throw in a ticked off goddess and a Greek god who made it Orestes job to avenge the murder of Orestes' father, and you have one sad, confused, threatened kid. Orestes agonized over his fate and decided to do what most of us who've been through the emotional wringer do, and that was to do nothing. But, as in real life, those of us going through a similar stalemate, are sometimes kick-started into action by an outside source.

Do you believe an Alien? Some people who have a hobby watching the movie said aliens are us from the future, and the other said aliens are really demons. Whatever you're thinks about aliens are they real or not, here's the movie about alien autopsy you can watch. And then say whatever you say, believe it or not

Exploitation of Spirit Dimension
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