Seringkali kita mendengar sebutan ilmu terawangan. Tapi sedikit sekali yang mengetahui apakah ilmu terawangan itu? Dan bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?

Untuk itu sebelumnya kita harus megenal lebih dulu apa yang disebut ilmu terawangan ini. Ilmu trawangan adalah satu ilmu untuk melihat apa yang tidak bisa dilihat oleh panca indera manusia normal. Ilmu ini berfungsi untuk melihat alam gaib atau alam halus. Bahkan pada level tingkatan yang lebih tinggi ilmu ini bisa digunakan untuk melihat alam nyata yang tidak terjangkau oleh mata biasa. Misalkan dengan menggunakan ilmu ini maka kita bisa melihat sesuatu yang terpisah oleh jarak yang sangat jauh.

Syarat utama untuk mengamalkan ilmu terawangan ini adalah puasa. Sebagai penjelasan, puasa disini tidak hanya sekedar tidak makan dan tidak minum, tetapi berpuasa dari nafsu lahir maupun batin. Seseorang yang telah sempurna menguasai ilmu terawangan ini tidak akan mudah terkecoh oleh tipuan mahluk mahluk alam halus.

Perlu anda diketahui, bangsa jin tingkat rendah sering menggangu terawangan atau penglihatan semu kita. Satu misal anda ingin menjumpai roh Sultan Agung. Karena apabila tingkat ilmu terawangan anda masih rendah, maka kemungkinan yang akan datang adalah jin jahat yang berpura pura menjadi Sultan Agung. Hal ini tentunya akan sangat mengecohkan. Padahal anda sudah terlanjur yakin bahwa yang anda lihat tersebut adalah benar-benar Sultan Agung. Nah setelah memahami akan ilmu terawangan ini maka pada artikel berikutnya kita akan belajar mengenai cara untuk menguasai ilmu tersebut.

This article presents a couple of ways crystals can be used to augment energy healing, also known as therapeutic touch or healing touch. In all energy healing work, the healing can be instantaneous if the healer is connected to truth and the recipient is receptive. It's important to remember that the healer is simply a channel for pure positive energy.

The patient is the one who is responsible for accepting the healing. As a healer, it's wise to remember that when we spiritually ask for aid in helping another in any way, we immediately summon great help from Spirit. When we forget who we are and begin to focus on the negative or that which is unwanted, we create imbalances in our energy fields that can lead to dis-ease.

The key to rebalancing the energy field is to focus not at all on what is not wanted the ailment, but to visualize only what is wanted perfect health with positive expectancy. Finally, there are no hard rules for energy healing. It's an intuitive and inspired process. Trust that if you set a high intention, all you have to do is allow magic to happen! A simple crystal healing is to place crystals of the appropriate color and energy at corresponding chakra points. This will cleanse and energize the chakras.

The Way to Avoid Boring

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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Energy healing is a good way of relieving stress.

Meditation is part and parcel of energy healing methods and this is an added come-on for highly stressed people. Moreover, sophisticated equipment is not required thus it becomes all the more convenient for students and future students of energy healing.

The battle between alternative healing and mainstream medicine continues as both present the benefits of their approach. But in the final analysis, what matters is the restoration of good health.

Energy healing is non-obtrusive and natural thus it is safer.

Repeated surgical procedures are physically and emotionally traumatic for most patients. It is but a logical and attractive option to both patient and families to look for less stressful health interventions. Moreover, with the rising popularity of New Age religions, going natural is the way to go.

People perceive modern medicine to be isolating.

Medical treatments are oftentimes focused on the disease and its causative agent, which can make a patient feel isolated and treated like a mere host of the disease. Although recent developments in hospital practice are gradually promoting the holistic treatment of a patient, the perception still persists. Unlike in energy healing, since energy and spirituality are intimately linked, the patient feels that all aspects of his health are being attended to.

Energy healing worked where modern medicine failed.

For several reasons both explainable and unexplainable, modern medical treatment failed to heal ailments and conditions in several if not many persons. Research or data may not be able to support this statement. But for the families of the dying as well as for the dying patient, they would take the risk of using alternative methods ranging from herbals and organics, faith healers, witch doctors, and New Age healing techniques just to be get well.

Many persons often confuse when they have other feeling to face up their opposite. You know, without trying to handle it, this feeling can make them being far away to have a date. Besides, don’t have a date can occur because of many conditions such too busy with their activity or difficult to find perfect human. This condition often comes to most women, because basically woman has ‘defend’ character and man has ‘attack’ character.

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As you read in this blog's articles before Reiki , Prana, and Tantra are considered alternative methods of healing. In spite of the availability and relative accessibility of modern medicine, how come more and more people are being drawned to them?

There are below the possible reasons:
  • Energy healing worked where modern medicine failed
  • People perceive modern medicine to be isolating
  • Energy healing is non-obtrusive and natural thus it is safer
  • Energy healing is a good way of relieving stress

Concern with this reasons above could be explained well why the healing of energy still exist and even more develope in this modern time.

If you want to clean your home from the negative energy, here’s a simple 5 step process with the angels to help you bring the light back into your home, so we can clear our homes and also reclaim our lives:


Use this technique at least each 3 months or so as old energies need to be cleansed again. So since then you can enjoy your new home in its empowered state and also please working with the angels to create a loving and peaceful life for yourself.

What is Reiki

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

There is another one energy healing that popular in the entire world that have function to recover body from all of bad possible thing by transfer the clear of energy, it has the names Reiki.

Reiki originated from Japan, it’s unlike Pranic and Tantra healings which have Hindu origins. Reiki has younger old than Pranic and Tantra healings having been rediscovered in the early 1900’s. Reiki stands for universal energy, an energy brought forth by higher intelligence. Reiki’s students are taught how to tap this energy to heal physical, emotional, and mental illnesses.

Although Pranic, Tantra, and Reiki are all systems of energy healing, they differ in the type of energy tapped for healing: life energy, sexual energy, and universal energy respectively.

The concepts of the connectedness of mind, body, and spirit; the connection of individuals to all living and nonliving things around them and to the universe; and how energy impacts physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being are some of the salient similarities of these three healing methods.

Exploitation of Spirit Dimension
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