Certain days held immense significance for pagans and one of these was the winter solstice. It symbolized a time when, at last, days would start to lengthen and the promise of warmer times and good food supplies ahead was in the air. The summer equinox - the time when day and night are equal also held significance because it was the time when the crossing of the two worlds of light and dark could occur.
The longest day was a time of special celebration because it symbolized the epitome of summer, a promise of harvest for those who worshiped and gave gifts and it also held great religious symbolism for pagans. The day was used to its full advantage with a dawn rising, sunrise observed and rituals performed well into the evening.
The sun herself is a powerful pagan symbol. She is the giver of life, has power to kill or bring forth bounty and provides energy upon which all other things survive. The moon is the suns' companion in the heavens and pagans knew the moon held influence on tides, river surges and other forces. Crops were planted according to the cycles of the moon (and some still practice moon gardening now) because the pull of the moon affects the sap rising in plants.
The longest day was a time of special celebration because it symbolized the epitome of summer, a promise of harvest for those who worshiped and gave gifts and it also held great religious symbolism for pagans. The day was used to its full advantage with a dawn rising, sunrise observed and rituals performed well into the evening.
The sun herself is a powerful pagan symbol. She is the giver of life, has power to kill or bring forth bounty and provides energy upon which all other things survive. The moon is the suns' companion in the heavens and pagans knew the moon held influence on tides, river surges and other forces. Crops were planted according to the cycles of the moon (and some still practice moon gardening now) because the pull of the moon affects the sap rising in plants.
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