Toh adalah flek hitam (kadang tumbuh rambut) pada tubuh manusia yang biasanya berbentuk bulatan. Toh ini merupakan tanda pada seseorang yang sudah ada sejak lahir. Letak dimana Toh itu berada dapat menunjukkan sifat orang tersebut.

Berikut watak manusia berdasarkan letak toh pada bagian tubuh:
  • Surung adalah nama Toh yang terletak dipantat. Menandakan tahan lama duduk tanpa merasa payah
  • Basunya adalah nama Toh yang terletak dipantat dan lebih dari satu. Menandakan miskin dan kehidupannya sulit
  • Lumrang adalah nama Toh yang terletak dilekukan pantat. Menandakan pandai dan suka menolong
  • Wisadesti adalah nama Toh yang terletak diwajah. Menandakan menyusahkan orang tuanya, ayah atau ibunya tidak panjang usia
  • Brajadesti adalah nama Toh yang terletak di bagian belakang tubuh. Menandakan miskin, panas hatinya. Namun jika toh tersebut ditumbuhi rambut tidak membahayakan.

Confidential is one important thing beside the 5 principle basic of spiritualism for build your own Magic Power, for a good understanding we must knew their history.

Spiritualism and supernatural magic power beginning from Hindustani and then was grew to Egypt then to Greece land. The Rome, Italian was influenced because their connected with Greece. And the last goes to Arabian, although it has different practical, ideology or the exercises.

Hindustan, Egypt, Greece Land become to a great place for spiritualism and supernatural magic power. Until now we can saw the civilization appreciated with look so many colorized of Sculpture, Temples, Pagodas and more carves that still exist.

Generally the carved that can be shown in, could be make some symbols, letters or characters that can be read. So many people can be read it, but very rarely to caught the atmosphere or nuance of their spiritual magic. Because of adore the shaped of carve with spoken, right now that’s what called the MAGIC SPELLS

Magic Spells Panglimunan - Invisible

This is high level magic spells and spritual domination was needed. This spells used for invisible body make it.

Practice for knew it that spells successed or not:

After spoken this spells when the the sun rising, stand up to the place in order to your body got the sun light then was tried to find your hollow.
  • If you can't see your hollow it means this spells work done.
  • If you can see your hollow it means this spells does'nt work and you must repeat this ritual again.

Magic Spells that spoken:

Ingsun amatak ajiku si ajisoko
ingsun mancik bumine Allah
Yo aku anake Jan Banujan, aku Kilat Buwono
sakabehing mungsuh ora padha waruh marang aku
matane dak tutupi bathok bolu
peteng dhedhet alimengan
sakehing musuh podho cadhok cato-cato polo
bingung kersaning Allah

Meaningful in english:
I was spoken my spells the Ajisoko
I was stand on the earth of God
Yes... I am the Sons of Jan Banujan,
I'm the Flash of Universe
All of the enemy can't see where I am
Their eyes closed by Bathok Bolu
Darkness all the lights
All of the enemy then Cadhok cato-cato polo
Confused caused of Gods will

Invisible bodies ritual needed :
Ritual of Ngebleng - 7 days and 7 nights
Started from Thuesday Kliwon. See Javanesse Calender

Don't used this spells for the bad things.

Read the Rules

Aji Panglimunan

Aji mantra ini adalah ajian tingkat tinggi dan memerlukan tingkat penguasaan roh yang bagus. Aji Mantra ini digunakan agar orang tidak bisa melihat kita.

Cara melihat apakah sudah berhasil :
Setelah mantra dibaca, ketika matahari terbit berdirilah disatu tempat agar badan anda terkena cahaya matahari, lalu cobalah mencari bayangan diri anda sendiri. Apabila sudah tidak dapat melihat bayangan, maka bisa dipastikan aji panglimunan ini sudah berhasil. Apabila bayangan masih tampak berarti tidak berhasil dan harus mengulang ritual persyaratannya lagi.

Syarat yang dilakukan:
Ritual Ngebleng selama 7 hari 7 malam
Mulai hari Selasa Kliwon. lihat Kalender Jawa

Aji Mantra yang dibaca:

Ingsun amatak ajiku si ajisoko
ingsun mancik bumine Allah
Yo aku anake Jan Banujan, aku Kilat Buwono
sakabehing mungsuh ora padha waruh marang aku
matane dak tutupi bathok bolu
peteng dhedhet alimengan
sakehing musuh podho cadhok cato-cato polo
bingung kersaning Allah

Arti mantra dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Aku merapal ajian ku si ajisoko
aku berdiri di bumi Allah
Ya aku anaknya Jan Banujan, aku Kilat Buana
Semua musuh tidak ada yang melihat aku
matanya aku tutup dengan "bathok" (tempurung kelapa)
gelap gulita kebingungan
semua musuh saling "cadhok cato-cato polo" (berkelahi sendiri)
Bingung atas kehendak Allah
Ingat jangan menggunakan Ajian ini untuk hal-hal yang tidak baik, gunakan hanya untuk melawan kejahatan yang menguasai satu tempat.

Baca Peraturan

Aji Tanggulbalik

Sama seperti namanya Tanggul berarti bendungan, benteng, dan balik, secara bebas bisa diartikan bahwa Tanggulbalik berarti membalikkan benteng. Aji ini digunakan untuk menolak atau membalikkan rencana musuh yang ditujukan pada kita.

Aji Mantera yang harus dibaca
Kulhu buntet, badaningsun kanjeng Nabi Panutan
rasaningsun Rasul, tekeningsun malaekat
luputo kang den arah
ambalik marang kang ngarah

Arti mantera dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Kulhu buntet, badanku Nabi Teladan
Rasaku Rasul, Tandaku Malaikat
Melesetlah yang dituju
Kembali pada yang mengirim

Syarat yang dilakukan
  • Puasa Patigeni selama 3 hari 3 malam
  • Dimulai hari Selasa Kliwon, lihat kalender Jawa
  • Ajian ini dibaca di halaman, setiap jam 12 malam, selama masih bermusuhan.

Baca Peraturan

Primbon, javanesse horoscope
The meaning & technique

Primbon, very popular for javanesse people in Indonesia. It’s a book, contain many aspects of out live. For example about horoscope, fortune, good days, bad days, healing, mantra, magic, etc.

The famous use of primbon is horoscope. Using very complex analogy of prediction, primbon use Neptu (point based on day and weton; weton is another simply called pasaran, javanesse day that repeat every 5 days) technique.

The simpler Neptu calculation uses only the Masehi and Pasaran elements in the calculation and is mostly used on a day-to-day basis in Indonesia to help translate dreams, visit friends, buy a bird and so on. For example, bad days for traveling would be Sunday Paing, Saturday Pon, Friday Wage, Tuesday Kliwon, Monday Legi and Thursday Wage. Worst days for traveling would be Wednesday Legi, Sunday Paing, Thursday Pon, Tuesday Wage and Saturday Kliwon.

From Primbon we can find the meaning of our name, our good days, our bad days and about our health in the future. Another instance of using Javanese Primbon is in the calculation of a favorable date to get married. Each spouse’s Weton is calculated. To make things a little more complicated, Javanese months and years are also used in the calculations and finally the spouses’ names are analysed and become part of the final result. As you may easily imagine, the calculations can become quite complex with so many factors being taken into account.

In it not uncommon in Indonesia to know one’s Weton but to only have an idea of one’s birthdate. From the Weton and the month and year of birth we can find the exact birth date.

Mantra Makdumsarpin

Use this Spells if you want to spirit from other dimension was helped

Sang kun dat sukma,
sukma diluwih kang ono jatining wawayangan

Ni endang suksmadiningsih kang ngideri jroning wawayangan
Siro ojo ngaling alingi aku
aku arep katemu kadangku kang sajati
kang langgeng tan owah gingsir
siro metuo dak kongkon .... (say it what you want)

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">

Followed way
Ritual of Ngebleng - 7 days and night
Started at Selasa Kliwon. see Java Calender
Read this spells at 24.00 midnight

Read before

Mantra babakulan - Business Spells

Use this spells for order selling being succes

Niyatingsun babakulandadagangan
Sing adol lan sing tuku kipa-kipa
Sing adol murah sing tuku nglarangi
Kemrubut kaya tekane tawon agung

Conditions must be followed
Ritual of Mutih - 3 days and nights
Ritual of Puasa (Monday&Thursday) as long as 7 month
Started at Thursday Wage - see: Java Calender
Read this magic spells when selling started

Read before

Mantra bebakulan

Mantera ini digunakan untuk berjualan agar dagangan menjadi laris

Niyatingsun babakulandadagangan
Sing adol lan sing tuku kipa-kipa
Sing adol murah sing tuku nglarangi
Kemrubut kaya tekane tawon agung

Syarat Ritual
  • Puasa Mutih selama 3 hari 3 malam
  • Puasa Senin Kamis selama 7 bulan
  • Mulai dilakukan hari Kamis Wage - lihat kalender Jawa
  • Mantera dibaca saat mulai berjualan (jw. ndasar)

Baca petunjuk

Mantra murih tinekan karepe

Mantera ini digunakan agar apabila mempunyai suatu maksud atau keinginan akan cepat terlaksana. Mantera yang harus dibaca:

Kakang cahyo roh rahmani
roh jasmani, roh rabani, roh kewani
kaki tumekane bopo,
biso o .... (sebutkan apa yang diingini)
Beda opo kakang cahyo
kun payakun tanpo ashadu kodratolah
pan ingsun pinayungan dening Allah

Syarat Ritual :
  • Puasa selama 21 hari, makan hanya sekali tiap jam 12 malam
  • Mulai dilakukan pada weton hari kelahirannya sendiri
  • Mantera dibaca saat akan makan jam 12 malam

Baca petunjuk

Mantra Makdumsarpin

Mantera ini digunakan apabila ingin meminta mahluk halus agar melaksanakan keinginan anda

Sang kun dat sukma,
sukma diluwih kang ono jatining wawayangan
Ni endang suksmadiningsih kang ngideri jroning wawayangan
Siro ojo ngaling alingi aku
aku arep katemu kadangku kang sajati
kang langgeng tan owah gingsir
siro metuo dak kongkon .... (sebutkan keinginan anda)

Syarat Ritual :
  • Riitual Ngebleng - 7 hari 7 malam
  • Mulai dilakukan hari Selasa Kliwon
  • Mantera dibaca saat jam 12 malam

Baca petunjuk

Mantra murih tinekan karepe
Use this spells in order to make what your intention was easy to be done

Kakang cahyo roh rahmani
roh jasmani, roh rabani, roh kewani
kaki tumekane bopo,
biso o .... (say what do you want)
Beda opo kakang cahyo
kun payakun tanpo ashadu kodratolah
pan ingsun pinayungan dening Allah

Conditions must be followed
Ritual of Puasa - 21 days, was eat only once at 24.00 midnight
Started at day of your birth
Read this magic spells before going to eat at 24.00

Read before

Puasa is the one condition that required someone by no eat and no drink . Moslem people must do this ritual in a full month each year, that month was called Ramadhan. Generally almost all in a whole world, need this ritual of Puasa as a basic for building the power of spritual magic (with different way depended what it use for).

Reason for use this ritual for build the magic power because Spirit and body have contradictive desire, if you have 60% bodies desire then the 40% is your spirits desire. Ritual of Puasa will lowered bodies desire with eat and drink prohibited.

Condition needed for
Can't eat and drink till the time that was agreement

Mantra arep weruh sadurunge winarah

Every time you need to know something before it happened, followed this condition :

Si rahso cahyaning rahso, mut moyo tejaning moyo

Read before

Magic spells for being loved by the opposites :

Ingsun duwe kembang soko sabrang
arane kembang pulutan...
dak pulutake atine si jabang bayi ... (sebut namanya)
Teko welas teko asih andeleng badan sliraku
saka kersaning Allah

Condition must be followed
Then was read spells above:
  • While the sun go down
  • In the room with a face certain direction to the west
  • Stand and lean on the wall

Important :
Read Before

JULI 2007

  1. Friday Wage
  2. Saturday Kliwon
  3. Sunday Legi
  4. Monday Pahing
  5. Tuesday Pon
  6. Wednesday Wage
  7. Thuesday Kliwon
  8. Friday Legi
  9. Saturday Pahing
  10. Sunday Pon
  11. Monday Wage
  12. Tuesday Kliwon
  13. Wednesday Legi
  14. Thuesday Pahing
  15. Friday Pon
  16. Saturday Wage
  17. Sunday Kliwon
  18. Monday Legi
  19. Tuesday Pahing
  20. Wednesday Pon
  21. Thuesday Wage
  22. Friday Kliwon
  23. Saturday Legi
  24. Sunday Pahing
  25. Monday Pon
  26. Tuesday Wage
  27. Wednesday Kliwon
  28. Thuesday Legi
  29. Friday Pahing
  30. Saturday Pon

Javanese Calender 2007

August 2007

Mantera Pengasihan

Mantera ini diucapkan dengan tujuan agar hati orang yang dimaksud memperhatikan dan mencintai kita. Yang harus diucapkan :

Ingsun duwe kembang soko sabrang
arane kembang pulutan...
dak pulutake atine si jabang bayi ... (sebut namanya)
Teko welas teko asih andeleng badan sliraku
saka kersaning Allah

Syarat Lelaku
Selama melakukan Ngebleng, Mantera dibaca dengan cara:
  • Bersamaan dengan condongnya matahari kebarat
  • Dalam kamar menghadap ke Barat
  • Berdiri bersandar pada tembok

Baca Peraturan

Mantra nundukake musuh

Mantera yang harus diucapkan jika ingin menaklukkan musuh:

Heh satruku si jabang bayi... (sebut namanya)
Ingsun wis weruh ajal kamulaniro
Asaliro sukma tunggal...
Tunggal roso, tunggal ilatku
Koyo boyo ngangsar raiku, gajah meta awakku
Macan nggero swaraku, banteng ketaton tandangku
Jahulante nggraut nyawamu
Tanpo tenggok tanpo sirah yen mbregagah
Lah tundukake bae.. yo wis, kasur sari jinebadan
Yen siro tundhuk maring aku... Tundhuk rasane tunggal

Syarat lelaku
  • Puasa 21 hari - Makan 1 kali setiap jam 24.00 malam
  • Puasa Mutih 3 hari 3 malam
  • Puasa Patigeni sehari semalam
  • Mulai hari Rabu Kliwon
  • Mantra dibaca ketika melihat musuh

Baca Peraturan

Agar bisa mengerti sebelum terjadinya satu perkara - weruh saduruning winarah maka mantera yang harus dibaca :
Sir rahso cahyaning rahso... mut maya tejaning maya

Setiap ingin punya niat untuk mengetahui sesuatu hal yang belum terjadi, maka syarat yang harus dilakukan:

Penting :
Baca peraturan

Tubuh, Jiwa dan Roh

Manusia yang lahir dan hidup di dunia ini membawa tiga hal penting dalam dirinya yaitu Tubuh, Jiwa dan Roh. Tubuh atau badan kita ini sebenarnya hanyalah tulang dan daging yang bergabung lantas dibungkus dengan kulit.

Ketika Roh dihembuskan kedalamnya maka tubuh atau badan tadi menjadi hidup. Setiap Roh bergerak dinamis dan saling mempengaruhi dalam dimensinya, kemudian menciptakan satu Jiwa yang kemudian membentuk pribadi, karakter dan sifat-sifat tiap orang jadi berbeda satu sama lain.

Petunjuk berikut akan lebih mempermudah pemahaman kita akan hal ini. Apabila kita analogikan Tubuh, Jiwa dan Roh sebagai Computer sistem, maka :
Tubuh = Hardware
Jiwa = Software
Roh = Energi Listrik
Nah... sekarang sudah jelas mengenai perbedaan dan fungsi dari ketiga hal dasar tersebut. Dengan memahami hal ini maka anda telah melangkah lebih kedalam apa yang disebut Ilmu Spiritual. Sebab inilah konsep dan prinsip dasar aktivitas dunia roh dan spiritual.

Baca lebih dulu :

Segala sesuatu yang terdapat di alam ini memiliki roh. Baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, matahari, bulan, planet bahkan alam semesta ini. Masing-masing roh tersebut memiliki ciri kekuatan tersendiri dan saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain sehingga tercipta satu harmonisasi yang luar biasa.

Hanya ada satu jenis roh di alam semesta ini yang kita kenal, karena itu seringkali kita dengar atau baca cerita mengenai seorang Jagoan atau Pendekar yang menggunakan kekuatan salah satu binatang, matahari, bumi atau apapun. Dan memang itu bisa terjadi apabila seseorang bisa menggali dan mempelajarinya.

Aji Mantra – Mantera
Ajian atau mantera bekerja dalam dimensi roh, sebagaimana telah diketahui bahwa roh berpengaruh sangat besar atas tubuh dan jiwa (baca: ”Tubuh, Jiwa dan Roh”)

Untuk menggunakan Ajian atau mantera pastikan hal ini:
  • Mengucap pasti dengan sepenuh hati
  • Konsentrasi, Fokus dan tertuju pada apa yang kita inginkan
  • Percaya hal itu pasti terjadi, karena kita sudah lebih memperkuat rohani kita dengan syarat dan ritual yang telah dilakukan.
Karena itu kami sangat menyarankan agar dalam menggunakan ajian mantera ini hendaknya dilakukan dengan penuh hormat dan mengikuti ritual yang disyaratkan.

Satu lagi hal yang penting, kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas efek atau akibat yang mungkin timbul akibat penggunaan mantera ini terhadap orang lain atau diri anda sendiri.

Strongly recommended to read this before

Everything that existed in this universe had a spirit e.g human, animal, plants, sun, earth, planet even this universe. For each all of their spirit had a difference power and influence one each other, with the result of that a great amazingly harmonize to be created.

In this universe only one kind of the spirit was known, thats no wonder if rarely we hear or read about any Hero or Master used the power spirit of … e.g kind of animal, sun, earth or the other things. And sure it could be happened if we can exploit that power spirit.

Magic Spells
Magic spells worked in spirits dimension, as you know the spirit very influences the body or soul (read: “Body, Soul and Spirit”). If we used that spell make sure that ;
  • Speak that magic spells with all of your heart
  • Concentration, Focus and aim for what you want
  • Believed it can be done, because we’re followed some ritual and condition to make our spirit more power influence.
From the experience, if you was followed once from many conditions, it could be doing well for all of magic spells that need that term.
e.g You have the ritual of Mutih and Patigeni for Loves spells done, you don't need them for sixth senses spells again. Just followed some conditions you're not doing yet. With an exception of your sixthsenses spells wasn't succeed, you must followed that ritual needs again

I really strong suggested that you used this spell with all of your respect and followed term of condition that needed.

One more important thing, I’ll pass all of responsibility that could be happened for use this Magic spells.

Magic Spell that must read:

Marcono masidem
Sapi gumarang kang kanggo nyaur utang
Kebo dungkul kang kanggo macul
Nini kang ngideri, kaki kang mijeni
Metik sandang pangane Sri Sadono kang sunduk kembang mulyo
Sri Sadono kang ono tegil kepanasan
Kulo bekto wangsul dateng gedhong pangayoman
ojo obah... ojo polah...
Yen ora ingsun kang ngobahake

Followed way
Ritual of Mutih for 7 days and night
Ritual of Patigeni for a whole night
Started at Thursday Wage - see (Java Calender)
Read Spell above at around 24.00 midnight on a place without the roof

Important :
Read this term before

Mutih in English meaning can be make a white. Like the other method of spiritual magic, Mutih is very popular in Javanese as ritual magic term

Condition must be followed :

  • Just rice without any mixed that can be eat.
  • Just drink a raw of water

Ngebleng in English meaning can be make a full, totally make it. This methode usualy need as ritual of spiritual power magic also.

Condition must be followed

  • No Food
  • No Water
  • Sleep just for a while can be
  • Out from the room only for make a bath

Nglowong in English meaning is make a place, make an opportunity. Followed this spiritual power magic is not to difficult.

Condition must be followed :

  • No Food
  • No Water
  • Sleep just for a while can be
  • Can go where ever you want

Patigeni in english meaning is off fire, off light, It means free of light needed for followed this spiritual power magic activity. At Bali, Indonesia that have Hinduism people as majority, this ritual know it as Nyepi.

Condition that must be followed :

  • No Food
  • No Water
  • No Bed
  • Just stay at the closed room
  • Free of Light of Fire

Mantera golek bondho

Aji mantera yang harus diucapkan :

Marcono masidem
Sapi gumarang kang kanggo nyaur utang
Kebo dungkul kang kanggo macul
Nini kang ngideri, kaki kang mijeni
Metik sandang pangane Sri Sadono kang sunduk kembang mulyo
Sri Sadono kang ono tegil kepanasan
Kulo bekto wangsul dateng gedhong pangayoman
ojo obah... ojo polah...
Yen ora ingsun kang ngobahake

Syarat lelaku :
  • Puasa Mutih 7 hari 7 malam
  • Puasa Patigeni sehari semalam
  • Mulai puasa hari Kamis Wage
  • Mantera diucapkan tiap jam 12 malam di halaman (beratap langit)


Baca Peraturan

Mutih bisa diartikan sebagai membuat putih. Ritual Poso Mutih juga sangat populer dan banyak dipakai sebagai syarat untuk kegiatan spiritual.

Syarat dan kondisi
  • Hanya boleh makan nasi putih saja, tanpa dicampur apapun termasuk garam apalagi lauk pauk dan makanan apapun lainnya.
  • Hanya boleh minum air minum mentah (tanpa dimasak)

Ngebleng bisa diartikan sebagai penuh, full, atau total. Ritual ini juga populer di kalangan masyarakat Jawa, dan aktivitasnya pun sering dilakukan sebagai syarat untuk melakukan satu tujuan spiritual.

Syarat dan kondisi :
  • Tidak boleh makan
  • Tidak boleh minum
  • Tidak boleh keluar kamar (hanya boleh keluar hanya jika untuk mandi atau buang air)
  • Bisa tidur namun hanya sebentar

Nglowong bisa diartikan sebagai membuat lowong, sela, lobang, peluang atau sejenisnya. Ritual yang dilakukan adalah Puasa seperti yang umum dikenal selama ini.

Syarat dan kondisi :

  • Tidak boleh makan
  • Tidak boleh minum
  • Bisa tidur tetapi hanya sebentar
  • Bisa pergi kemana saja anda suka

Patigeni bisa diartikan sebagai Mati Api, mati cahaya. Poso Patigeni berarti Puasa tanpa terkena cahaya. Di kalangan umat Hindu ritual semacam ini sangat populer sebab mayoritas penduduknya beragama Hindu. Anda bisa melihat ritual ini dilakukan setiap peringatan hari Nyepi di Bali.

Selain itu banyak sekali penganut ilmu terutama ilmu jawa baik aliran hitam maupun putih, yang mensyaratkan puasa semacam ini.

Syarat dan kondisi Poso Patigeni
  • Tidak boleh makan
  • Tidak boleh minum
  • Tidak boleh tidur
  • Tidak boleh keluar (hanya di dalam kamar)
  • Apabila malam hari tidak boleh menyalakan cahaya (tetap dalam kegelapan)

For this time magic spell and the other spiritual magic power almost disappear, real magic power rarely was to be seen or never indeed. There no wonder because of high technology that used human logic thinking very influence.

So many people don’t know how great the spiritual magic power inside themselves. If you interest to follow this science simply just keep your body, spirit and soul live in harmony.

Followed way to build your spiritual power self below before magic spell used for

The seed of faithfully was growing believe then freedom, personality, patient can be build self.

Diligent, still heart, not to be back before it done

Right used five senses and sensory perceptions

Smart to keep good personality and make it people around in harmony living.

More better your soul more power you’ve got

Although this magic what will learn next be taken from east, specifically from Java, Indonesia. But every people around the word surely can use this power of magic spell well, no matter what and who you are. Because just one kind spirit in this universe.

Dimension you must know

Actually every people who was born in this world divided at 3 kind to make it live - Body, Spirit, and Soul. Body were created from bone and meat united wrapped up by skin. It can be live cause of the Spirit blowed inside. All of the Spirit that exist in this universe then make dynamic moving and influenced each other in their dimension and the Soul to be created. The soul that made from dynamic spirit like that then created different personality or any human kind.

For simple good understand about Body, Spirit, and Soul you can take the computer system as analogize

  • Hardware = Body
  • Software = Soul
  • Spirit = Power Electricity
Now you've got the point. Because its important basic foundament of principal Primbon, Magic Spells, or another spiritual magic science.

A popular translation of this title is "Book of Changes" but it is also known as "Classic of Changes" - a title growing in use of late.

The underlying message within the I Ching recognised by many is one of "the ultimate way" or truth - no matter what time the reader comes across the contents, the information contained within will still be as fresh and applicable as the day it was written.

If the information is understood, applied and followed - you can enjoy the easiest of paths through life.

The I Ching is one of the foundations of Feng Shui (or as it was known in antiquity "Xiangdi" - meaning the observation and appraisal of the earth). Before the Qin dynasty (approximately 475 to 221 BC), Feng Shui Experts poured over the I Ching in great depth and used it's teachings to influence the fundamentals of Feng Shui as we know it today.

Along with the I Ching, Feng Shui has it's roots firmly steeped in the philosophies of Taoism and Confusianism as well.

The I Ching uses two trigrams, one placed upon the other to form a Hexagram. The different combinations of the stacked trigrams give rise to some 64 different I Ching hexagrams - each of which when used in combination can give valuable insights to the answers sought by divination practitioners.

Many people look upon the I Ching as purely a system of divination whereas others see it's contents as teachings - full of the wisdom of the Chinese ancients.

It's title throws up a profound view of it's contents:

"I" when used as an adjective means "simple or easy" but when used as a verb means "to change".

"Ching" means "classic text" but the original meaning is one of "persistence" or "regularity"

The I Ching (pronounced E Ching - aka "The Book of Changes") is perhaps the most ancient known of the classic Chinese texts (these texts date from the pre-Qin era - the Qin Dynasty ruled during 221 to 207 BC) and also one of the oldest texts known from antiquity.

The I Ching describes an ancient system of cosmology along with a philosophy at the very center of Chinese cultural beliefs still firmly in use today. The crux of this philosophy deals with the dynamics apparent between yin and yang and also how both yin and yang interact upon each other in opposing yet paradoxically complimentary ways.

Yin represents the still, the calm, the mellow whilst yang represents the exact opposite movement, frenetic activity and stress!

At the core of the I Ching are eight iconic depictions known as Trigrams. Each trigram is comprised of yin and yang line elements. The origin of these trigrams is attributed to the figure "Fu Hsi" some 5 millenia ago.

Another important thing of the Chi element :

Plants are also good chi enhancers for the home. Plants must be kept healthy and in good shape for chi enhancement. Silk or real plants both work well. Avoid dried flowers. Since the plants have already died, they will not attract chi.

Animals and pets are also good chi enhancers. Their life and presence is a powerful attraction for chi. The animals must be well looked after and their homes or special areas kept clean and cared for.

Anything moving and flowing also contributes to bringing chi into our homes. Wind sculptures, wind chimes, flags, etc are examples of some items that can be used to encourage chi. Placed on the front porch or entrance attracts the chi though the door and into the home.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to begin applying Feng Shui principles to your home. Consider Feng Shui as a way to improve your home and life.

About Chi and the Element

Chi Enhancers: After evaluating your homes life areas using the bagua and then cleaning your clutter, you may consider using items known as chi enhancers. Chi enhancers are items to place in your home that will attract chi. Chi is the vital life energy. We want to attract more chi in our homes to provide harmony and balance in our lives.

Crystals are beautiful chi enhancers that can be used anywhere in your home. By placing the chi enhancer in a certain bagua area of your home that needs uplifting, it will contribute to bringing harmony and balance to that area of your life and home.

Water features are another type of chi enhancer. Water features include fountains, fish tanks, birdbaths, etc. In Feng Shui, water brings good luck and wealth. Wealth can be financial wealth, or spiritual and emotional wealth or fulfillment.

Water features can be placed inside or outside the home and can contribute to a soothing and relaxing environment. One key point, the water features, of course, must be kept clean to promote positive chi.

What about Clutter

Clutter: One basic and important principle in Feng Shui is clearing your clutter. Clutter is our home symbolizes clutter in our lives. It can present itself as procrastination, feeling overburdened, or avoiding things or tasks that need to be addressed. It can also drain your energy, and leave your feeling fatigued.

By cleaning our clutter, we are making room for new experiences in our lives. For example, by cleaning your desk, getting rid of old papers, organizing the drawers; you are making way for new experiences in your business life.

BAGUA - Map of life’s valuable qualities

Feng Shui is the Chinese art of placement that is thousands of years old. In Feng Shui, your surroundings or environment can be a reflection of your life. You can thus influence your life in positive ways by making appropriate changes in your environment and surroundings. Below is an outline of several things you can do to start applying Feng Shui principles to your home.

Evaluate your home using the bagua: The BAGUA is the map of life’s valuable qualities. Your experiences, at any given moment, can fit into one these nine areas of the bagua. These areas include: Wealth and Prosperity, Fame and Reputation, Love and Marriage, Family, Health, Creativity and Children, Knowledge and Self Cultivation, Career, Helpful People and Travel.

The bagua (map of qualities) is overlayed onto your home. Then it is possible to evaluate and analyze your home in relation to the areas of the bagua. Are there areas in your life that you would like to improve? Use the bagua to work on the areas of your home that correlate with areas of your life you would like to improve.

Berapa besar pengaruh Hong Shui terhadap Rumah ?

Pada dasarnya, rumah mempengaruhi penghuninya. Rumah yang tidak ditempati sendiri praktis tidak mempengaruhi keberuntungan Anda. Sebaliknya, apabila Anda menempati rumah kontrakan, rumah tersebut sudah pasti berpengaruh langsung pada keberuntungan Anda.

Apabila yang lebih tinggi dari rumah Anda hanya rumah-rumah yang berada di posisi:

Sebelah kiri rumah apabila posisi Anda melihat dari dalam rumah ke luar)
Sebelah belakang rumah apabila posisi Anda melihat dari dalam rumah ke luar

Anda tidak perlu khawatir.

Namun, apabila semuanya lebih tinggi, ada 2 cara mengatasinya.

  • Menambah lantai rumah Anda.
  • Memberikan “kesan” tinggi; dengan menambahkan ornamen di atas rumah yang cukup sesuai; yang minimal sama tinggi dengan rumah-rumah sekitar.
Perlu diingat :
Untuk cara kedua ini, agar ornamen yang ditambahkan tidak malahan menjadi “topi” yang “memberatkan” badan rumah.

Exploitation of Spirit Dimension
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