The I Ching (pronounced E Ching - aka "The Book of Changes") is perhaps the most ancient known of the classic Chinese texts (these texts date from the pre-Qin era - the Qin Dynasty ruled during 221 to 207 BC) and also one of the oldest texts known from antiquity.

The I Ching describes an ancient system of cosmology along with a philosophy at the very center of Chinese cultural beliefs still firmly in use today. The crux of this philosophy deals with the dynamics apparent between yin and yang and also how both yin and yang interact upon each other in opposing yet paradoxically complimentary ways.

Yin represents the still, the calm, the mellow whilst yang represents the exact opposite movement, frenetic activity and stress!

At the core of the I Ching are eight iconic depictions known as Trigrams. Each trigram is comprised of yin and yang line elements. The origin of these trigrams is attributed to the figure "Fu Hsi" some 5 millenia ago.

Exploitation of Spirit Dimension
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